Hola amigos de lo indie, hoy os traemos la noticia de que ayer se lanzo la versión 1.31 del famoso juego Minecraft. Disponible para Windows, MAC y Linux.
Las características mas destacadas de esta versión 1.31 son:
- Soporte en LAN para modo “Un Jugador”
- Dejarse mensajes a cualquier jugador
- Comercio entre jugadores
- Añadida la posibilidad de habilitar “cheats” en modo un jugador
- Añadida una modalidad de Aventura (que todavía esta siendo desarrollada)
- Cambio del inventario
- Actualizado a nuevos idiomas
- Arreglados bugs importantes
Estos son los cambio más destacables entre otros, pero aquí os dejamos la lista de cambios en ingles:
Single-player now runs a server internally
Publish the single-player instance to LAN
Automatically detect LAN worlds in multi-player screen
Added “cheats” option in single-player (enables commands)
Added “bonus chest” option to give players a quicker start in a new world
Added adventure mode (work in progress)
Added trading with villagers
Added emeralds, emerald blocks and emerald ore
Added cocoa beans to jungles
Added the Ender Chest
Added tripwires
Added new creative mode inventory with search functionality
Made it possible to gain enchantment orbs from mining ore and smelting
Added writeable books
Added “large biomes” world type
Added temples to jungles and deserts
Added chat settings
Added option to turn off and view snooper data
Added more information on the debug screen (F3)
New launcher with “Play Demo” button if not premium user
Added /seed command to see map seed
Added /defaultgamemode to set default game mode in a world (affects new players)
Added /debug command for profiling
Added SRV record lookup support
Decreased max enchantment level from 50 to 30
The /tp command can now send players to a specific coordinate
Mobs can spawn on flat surfaces (such as up-side-down stairs)
Updated language files
Mobs are much less likely to glitch through blocks
Server list can be reordered
Nearby items in the world will auto-stack
Stars are smaller and brighter
Sky color in The End has been changed
The “pick block” functionality has been improved
Certain items that previously wasn’t stackable can now be stacked
Hill biomes are slightly taller
Wooden log blocks can now be placed side-ways
Wooden half-blocks now act as wood
Water slowly drips through leaves during rain
Minecarts and boats will be placed by dispensers, if possible
Gravel texture has been modified
Levers can be placed in the roof
Creepers’ explosions damage is now modified by difficulty
Performance improvements
Other bug fixes…
Removed Herobrine
Y por si no os había quedado claro aquí os pongo un video con los cambios de esta versión 1.31